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Love Knows Best


The Father said to me, if you spend time in communion with me, I will bless you. For the next 14 days give God at least an hour a day of undisturbed prayer, worship and fellowship (no excuses).

Leave the things that concern you in God’s hands. Trust Him with them.Ask Him only for the things that He wants you to have right now.Ask Him to reveal those things to you in His timing.Spend most of your fellowship blessing God and praying for others. However, the things that concern you, leave them in God’s hands.Journal your experiences, and impressions.Bonus + Skip a meal a day as a fast to the Lord, use that time as your hour to pray in earnest to the Lord.

Love Knows Best

As a babe looks for comfort in the arms of the parent so do the sons in the Father. Why? Because Father knows best.

His Word comforts us in every area of our lives.

We are wired to need God. We cannot walk this life alone, with our own vision board for our lives. The creator is the one with the blueprint and His vision far supercedes any we could create for ourselves. He orchestrates Time, the realm in which we live our present lives. Additionally, he has set up situations and relationships tailor made for us. We cannot escape them. They may not feel good but they are for our good; and Abba has empowered us to bear everything we will ever face in this life.

The challenges make us stronger, established in this holy faith; and importantly, they catapult us into a divine fellowship with our Daddy God. Therefore, we can be steadfast and unmovable in the midst of the journey knowing that all things work together for good and His love will never lead us astray. Love knows best.

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