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I am Becoming Aware


The Father said to me, if you spend time in communion with me, I will bless you. For the next 14 days give God at least an hour a day of undisturbed prayer, worship and fellowship (no excuses).

Leave the things that concern you in God’s hands. Trust Him with them.Ask Him only for the things that He wants you to have right now.Ask Him to reveal those things to you in His timing.Spend most of your fellowship blessing God and praying for others. However, the things that concern you, leave them in God’s hands.Journal your experiences, and impressions.Bonus + Skip a meal a day as a fast to the Lord, use that time as your hour to pray in earnest to the Lord.

I am Become Aware

As the Lord led me in prayer for one of His beloved, I could tell that He felt everything the individual was going through. Their concerns and pains; He was feeling it. As I prayed, the Lord made me to know that He is aware of everything that concerns this person and as He is become aware, He will heal and set free.

As you stand in the gap for others, God will assure you that He is very much aware of His people and He feels what they feel. Not only that, but He will allow you to feel them too. Because you have become one with God, you are moved with compassion even as He is. As you feel the emotions of others, you are led to interceed and work ministry.

When God declares that He is aware of a thing, He stands in the midst of it ready to execute His will. When Israel's cry came up to Him, God moved in their favour to deliver them out of bondage. The blind man cried out to Jesus and got God's attention. So did the woman with the issue of blood, and the crippled man at the pool for thirty eight years waiting for deliverance. How about you when you cried out for salvation? God, in His awareness of your state, came to your rescue.

I don't know who or what you are crying out to God for today. But I want you to know that Heaven is aware. God realizes. He sees your state and He has set forth His will to satisfy you. If you embrace the purpose and the will of God for your life and those connected to you, you will experience peace, contentment and the power of God in your life like never before. The Life of Christ, which is the Grace of God is enough. Trust His will. Rest knowing that God is aware of all that concerns you and He is very much in control.

"For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:15‭-‬16 KJV

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