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False Start

I enjoy watching Track and Field during the World and Olympic Championships. This is a big deal for Jamaicans like myself who like the idea of copping all the gold. We have had our glory days but we can also identify with major disappointments. One that stands out is Daegu 2011 World Championships. Our legend, Usain Bolt, was disqualified from the final of the men’s 100m due to a false start.

In a second, our pride and confidence segued to shock and disbelief. What just happened? How could we be disqualified from a race we were sure to win? Who came up with this false start rule? This makes no sense!

There was nothing we could do about it. It was over.

A false start is when the athlete starts to run before the official signal. They start to move before the whistle is blown.

How many times do we start to run before hearing God?

Some of us remember the consequence of that race void of God. It may be in pursuit of a career, relationship, or even ministry. The lust, impatience or anxiety causes us to false start. It is important to hear God, the good Father who promises to lead us. He promises that the sheep will hear his voice and his instruction to us is that we acknowledge him in all our ways and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6). When he leads us, we can trust his hand in our lives.

Do not false start! Wait on the whistle!

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