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A Gift to the World Series – Jesus – The Reason for the Season

📷 Christmas is close approaching, and everyone is almost at the time where they decide to stop procrastinating. Stores are packed, and the prices of your favorite items are rising. The kids are getting excited and they don’t even know you haven’t got them anything as yet. There is Christmas music everywhere, and are in abundance some displaying store windows. Truly Christmas time is here.

📷 However, for Christians, the season really shouldn’t be about all that. The Christmas season should be about Christ and His coming to the earth. As we meditate upon Christ’s decision to come in flesh and to dwell among men we should be filled with explainable joy. The Joy that is Jesus Christ has come to the world to set the captives free, to heal the brokenhearted, to heal the sick and to raise the dead. There is no greater gift than Jesus.

📷 Despite our knowledge of the purpose for His coming, reflections on the behaviors we demonstrate lead to the question: Is the mentality of contentment and a purpose driven life the reality we are promoting? To answers, maybe we should ask others and in particular, our children! This could be our first step to examining the value system of our children and our role we have played to influence their mindsets. This entails finding out if they focused on Jesus and His great gift to the world and if we have trained them to expect to simply receive in this season or to be givers.

📷I am thinking that many children would feel outright disrespected if they did not receive gifts on Christmas day. By asking what if questions you could learn a lot about this issue and the value system you have instilled in the hearts of family members!

📷 When we say Jesus is the reason for the season this should be true to us. At times, situations may arise. There may even be financial concerns that are causing anxieties or fears If this is so, judge your heart. The truth is, your children can sense that fear, and they will, in turn, believe themselves to be obligated to material things.

📷 Though Christmas is a time where many families share gifts, do not let that be the foundation of your celebration of Christmas. Let Jesus and His love for them be the theme of this season. Encourage them to walk and seek after Christ - the ultimate gift as well as the gift-giver. Encourage them to accept His love for them, and to always trust Him with their lives as their heavenly Father. Teach them to see Him as their Father. Raise your children in Christ!

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