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No Surprises

Recently, one of the members of our church passed, and I learned of a dream she had a few days before her passing. In her dream, she saw her soul leaving her body and going up to the Father. I marvelled at how God used that dream to confirm to her that it was well with her soul, and that she was ready to meet Him. As I thought that, the Lord said to me, “No one is going to make it to Heaven, and be surprised that they made it in.” He said that to say that He is going to let us know, from down here, if we are ready to meet Him or not. There will be no surprises.

1 John 3:19 says, And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him." We are supposed to have confidence here and now in this world, that we are ready to meet Christ. Abiding in the love of God is the only thing that WE can do to give ourselves this assurance and confidence towards God.

Annestta Samuels

Sunrise with Jesus



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