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My Gift

Ephesians 4:7 - But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

I was 8 years old when a pastor first told me that I had a calling on my life. I remember it so clearly. It made me feel like I had purpose and that God saw my heart. Fast forward 18 years later and the prophecy was being fulfilled. I was becoming a minister. I was being put in position to help people and God was putting others in my path. And ultimately, one day, I was called upon to deliver the Word.

I immediately started to think of all the great ministers I heard in my life and was trying to choose which one to try to emulate to get the acceptance of those who would be there. This immediately made me feel inadequate. I was about to tell them I wasn’t able to do it. Then, out of nowhere, the Lord brought me to Romans 12 that made me realize that every person has their own ministry and if I were to be the best minister, I would have to do it according to the gift that I already had. All I had to be was myself and the gift that God put in me would flow naturally. That day freed me from being envious of the gifts others had and finally embraced the type of minister God had already made me to be.

Daniel Chen

Sunrise with Jesus



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