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Entertainment, The Great Idol

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

I was in the middle of a service night when God started speaking to me. The minister was speaking about the Tabernacle and the fact that it had no windows, meaning that the only light that would illuminate the room were the ornaments of light, and the presence of God Himself. This all signifies that we should have no outside influence, the only light that should be shining is the light of God in our hearts. Let in no outside “light”.

As I heard these words, I started to see that anything that takes our attention off of God is outside light. Then the Lord said to me, “Entertainment the great idol”. Immediately my mind was taken to this generation in comparison to those who were in the times of the early church. There is such a need for entertainment. People cannot sit still without scrolling on social media. They have to have a new show, a new game, a new anime, and without this “newness” they become extremely bored and on the brink of madness.

I began to think, how many of us could actually fast in one room, with no devices, for an extended period? Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, with no Instagram, but He was totally satisfied with the presence of God. Moses also fasted with no Netflix but totally satisfied with the presence of God. Can you be totally satisfied with the presence of God? If you never get to scroll one more day in your life, would that be ok to you? Is it uncomfortable for you to sit before the Lord? Well, if not you might be a worshipper of entertainment.

Kareem Flowers

Sunrise with Jesus



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