Traditionally, we have seen humility as being soft spoken or as someone who is honest with their feelings, but Jesus’ life reveals this attribute of the spirit. Philippians 2:8 - “And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” When Jesus realized that he was fashioned in a human body, he humbled himself. He did not seek to establish a reputation for himself but always insisted that men give glory to God. No matter how mightily God used him, he would always caution them to “tell no man” or “go and sin no more” … all of these things were showing that he had no desire to be praised by men. This humility caused him to always walk in obedience to God, even to the point of death.
Humility is submission and obedience to God. It is an acceptance of the state that God has placed you in, and a resolve to see God’s purpose fulfilled in that situation. Just as Jesus did not stop short of death on the cross, so a truly humble person is willing to endure painful situations so that God can be glorified in their lives. For many of us, God may not require for us to die in order to be glorified, but we each have been given circumstances, situations and relationships that require humble obedience. If you are one who longs to please God, this is the only way - you must humble yourself by being obedient. Obedience is the only thing that God receives as love, worship, fear and servitude. If we do not obey, we are proud and pride goes before a fall. But if we obey, we get to experience the comfort of the Holy Ghost, that will neutralize any pain that we may endure.
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