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Ministry in God's Timing

Welcome to A Journey through the New Testament! In this series, we will systematically journey through every chapter in the New Testament, unveiling the marvelous insights that can be found in the scriptures.

A Journey through the New Testament: Unveiling the New Testament: A Journey of Revelation Thumbnail

Matthew 3:16-17

In ministry, a crucial aspect is recognizing when God is nudging you to step into your calling. Take Jesus, for instance, who spent 30 years focused on honoring his parents and working in his trade. However, when the time came for Him to enter ministry, He did so with undeniable power.

It's worth noting that Jesus only engaged in active ministry for the last 3 ½ years of His life. Yet, He fully surrendered Himself, and even now, His ministry continues to flourish in the world.

Have you felt the call to ministry? As mentioned, it's vital to discern God's timing in your life. Perhaps He's calling you but desires you to learn or serve for a season. Maybe you're already knee-deep in ministry, and He simply wants you to flow with Him instead of getting caught up in grand plans.

Remember, ministry belongs to God and is carried out by God. Just as Jesus waited for the right time, so should we. Let the Holy Spirit guide and direct every facet of your life. With this approach, even if your ministry spans only six weeks, rest assured it will have an eternal impact in the world.

Keep serving, and patiently await the Lord's timing!

  • Written by Kareem Flowers, Sunrise with Jesus

What is your calling and how did you come to know it? Share it below in the comments.

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Nov 17, 2023

"Even if your ministry spans only six weeks" That is so true!

I recall the scriptures in Acts 9:17 when Ananias laid hands on Saul (renamed Paul). If I'm surmising correctly, we didn't see Ananias doing other things. Probably he did but it wasn't mentioned. However, his obedience and service to the Lord was to lay hands on Saul so he could receive his sight and the Holy Spirit.

One could say his Ministry lasted just a day. Notwithstanding, that led to the beginning of Paul's ministry which we are edified with today.

In regard to my calling, I believe I know what it is but I'm currently here:

  • "Perhaps He's calling you but desires you to learn or serve…

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