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I’m Not Sorry

It was one of those Sundays when you could hear the congregation saying in harmony that it was a good day to be in church. Explaining contentment and suffering, The young apostle at only 25 years old shared his story of the point in his life God called him to apostleship. He spoke of his dreams and aspiration to be an Olympian. His entire nation had all eyes on him. The coaches were confident that he was going to be an international icon.

He also shared that he was pursuing a law degree but the Lord told him to walk away from it all because it wasn’t expedient to pursue either of them. When he was in the prime of his life and the most talked about junior tennis player on all media platform he was still depressed and suicidal. Without hesitation, he answered the master call and has been soaring in the Lord from ever since. He has become a beacon of light in the eyes of all he served. He got news that his friend is now living the dream he once had, but convincingly and without any controversy in his spirit, God is now the best decision he has ever made. I could not help but ask myself “How do I feel accepting His call?” I remember entering one of the biggest talent shows in the country and was so sure of the scholarship to attend Edna Manley School of Arts but then on the final show, I totally forgot the piece on stage in front hundreds of people. I was counselled that my dream career wasn’t expedient to pursue and I was faced to make the decision. But I am right with Paul;

Philippians 3 vs.8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.

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